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Frequently Asked Questions

When does school begin for 2024-2025?
School officially begins August 26th.

Check your plan for your first online session at 9:00!


When will I know what teacher I will have for next year?
Elementary students will be assigned teachers mid-August.

You will receive a call the weeks before school begins to touch base with Ms. Colbert. Please be sure to answer that call, because it is a vital part of a strong start of the year for all.


When will my new 2024-2025 courses be available?
Your courses will be available September 3rd and materials will be sent prior to that date.

If there are any issues with your courses, contact Ms. Colbert.
Note: The first week of school is Orientation Week. Actual curricular course work will begin September 3rd.


Can I start my lessons before school starts?
Please start with the Online Learning orientation course. All other courses will appear on your plan September 3rd. 


What courses should my first grader have on their plan?
The first grade courses include:
Math 1


Phonics 1
Science 1 

Social Studies 1

Physical Activity 1
Online Learning K1 24-25


What is the Star360 Assessment?
The Star360 Baseline Assessment is a critical piece of information for students. This will give you and your teacher valuable insight into your child's reading and math skills. These assessments will be teacher proctored online and the student must have no assistance from anyone (other than logging in and staying on task).

First Grade students will also be scheduled for a 15-Minute Meet-up. This is a brief, 1:1 online reading and math Interim Assessments with Ms. Colbert.


Can I hide one or more of my courses in the OLS?
Please don't hide courses unless you have discussed this with Ms. Colbert.


Can I get electives (for my K-2 student)?
Music, Art, and Stride Arcade are electives. If you choose to add these to your child's plan, please let Ms. Colbert know so she can discuss it with you.
* Please note that there are requirements in place if you are adding electives. Electives will not start until October. If you are not caught up in your grade level courses, or if limited progress is made in an elective course, electives may be removed from your plan for the rest of the school year.


Can I adjust my Student Schedule or add Vacation Days?
No. Please always consult with Ms. Colbert if and when you need to be absent.


What counts as attendance?
You need to log attendance each week, as per state guidelines. Attendance is earned by:
-Attend your ELA and Math Homeroom Class Connects
-Attend a Small Group Class Connect, if invited
-Attend a class connect or online workshop with a CVA teacher
-Attend an online tutoring session or small group lesson with a CVA teacher
-Attend a grade-level appropriate club with a CVA teacher


How do I know what time the online classes start?
You will receive an invitation for online classes and sessions in your OLS Plan.

Each class starts at the hour or half hour. Please log into your sessions 5 minutes early (this allows people time to log in and check their audio before class starts).


In what program will live classes be held?
All live classes will be held in the Engageli program. This is a web-based program and can be accessed with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave & Opera (not supported in other browsers at this time).


I missed a Class Connect. Can I watch the recording to get attendance?
Please plan to attend all required live sessions. If you miss a Homeroom class and need the recording, it will be available in the Playback Room. Watching a recording will not automatically count as attendance (unless specifically specified by your teacher, in rare cases when your teacher is out of the office and unable to host a live session).


What are all these Class Connect sessions I am seeing on my plan? Do I need to attend them all?
Here is the breakdown:
Homeroom Classes (ELA & Math):

These are required homeroom meetings each day at 9:00 PST.

Opportunities to mark lessons complete may be available in many sessions. This is a huge part of your student's learning, so your student is expected to attend daily.
Small Group Classes:

If you are invited to these sessions, you will be required to attend.
SDI & Intervention Classes:

If you are invited to these sessions, you will be required to attend.
Clubs/Social Time:

Clubs are optional.


Will there be extra help in math and language arts offered?
Additional small group sessions will be created based on student's academic need.

Ms. Colbert will be conducting interim assessments throughout the year. Students in need of additional intervention (or at times, enrichment) will be invited to these sessions. If you get an invitation, it is expected you will attend.


What happens if we are sick or need a day off?
The beautiful thing about our program is that it does allow for some flexibility. If you miss a day, however, you still need to make up the work.
If you need to be gone, please contact Ms. Colbert. If you are not already ahead in progress, tell me how you plan on making it up (over the weekend, on a non-school day, or a little extra here and there for a few days). Just keep me in the loop and be sure to make up for the lost progress.
If you are taking a vacation during normal school days, let me know and we will make sure you have a plan in place. Remember that there are daily attendance requirements, even when on vacation (State Requirement).


I am having technical issues. Can Ms. Colbert help me?
I can help with some issues so a quick message to me will get the ball rolling. If I can't help, I will direct you to someone who can. If there is a problem with the OLS the number for tech support is: 866-512-2273 or click here to access online help.


I can't get into the OLS or class! What's going on?
Here are a few things to try:
-Sometimes the OLS does get a bit touchy so try again in a few

minutes and see if it works.
-Try opening it from a different browser.
-Clear your caches, cookies, and temporary internet files.

-Restart your computer then try again.
-If these do not help, call tech support at: 866-512-2273.

*Always check your email if you are having issues, as it may be a system-wide outage.

In this case, your teachers will contact you via email.


How do I figure out what progress percentage my child should be at?
For K-5, students are expected to complete 100% of what is assigned by your homeroom teacher. Please make sure to always stick to your daily plan to be sure you are completed by the last day of school. If you miss a day, you will need to make a plan to complete the lessons that you didn't complete. Also be sure to check the due dates in the OLS.

Please be aware that to have a lesson considered complete, your student must master any lesson quiz/test/checkpoint by at least 80%.


How many hours does my child need to work per day?
This is different for each child. The general rule is that you work until you have completed the work in your daily plan. The state requirement is 4.5 hours/day for first graders. Please contact Ms. Colbert if you are having difficulty accomplishing your assignments so we can discuss a plan for your child.


If I want to finish my courses early, can I move to the next grade-level course?
In most cases, students will have current grade-level courses only. If you finish a course early, you may enroll in the elective courses for your grade level. There are also supplementary programs offered (Stride and Freckle), to extend your student's learning if they finish early. Teachers also may add additional, enrichment activities to a student's plan.


If I finish my courses before the end of the school year, what do I do with my student to continue learning?
There are a few options:
-Stride Arcade Curriculum
-Freckle for Reading & Math
-Teacher created enrichment activities
-Go back through any lessons in your courses that you skipped

or would like to revisit.
-Check out the Educational Links section for some great websites.
-K12/Stride will be offering clubs and summer camps


Will I have access to my OLS and courses over the summer?
Courses will not be available over the summer.

Returning students will have access to a summer course called Brain Boost. This is optional, but useful for keeping up with skills over the long break.


How do I return materials?
You will be receiving an e-mail with shipping labels once a course has been complete and the new course ordered. Be sure the school has your updated e-mail address. If you didn't receive one, you can always log into the K12/Stride website and request a new one.
If you are returning in the fall, please do not ship back any materials for courses you are still working on (keep the K-2 Science Keeper Kit, workbooks, and the phonics materials). If you are returning in the fall and have a CVA computer, please keep it for next school year.


How do I know what materials to return at the end of a course?
You can go to your Learning Coach OLS and click 'My Info' at the top to access your account details and find information on materials.

Support/Materials Help: 866-512-2273 or online


How can I get connected with other families?
-Attend virtual or face-to-face field trips
-Visit the CVA or National K-2 Zone (a virtual recess platform)

-Attend a K12 club.

-Attend a CVA club (Disney Club, Drawing, Gaming...)
-Check out the Family Directory in the OLS.

You can search for families in your area!
-Set up a play or study group.
-Attend Homeroom classes

(I open up chat privileges to students before the meeting. It is a great way to meet other kids and make connections).


Where can I buy cool CVA or K12/Stride gear?
Log onto if you want to order a shirt, hat, backpack, or other cool gear.

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